Title: Legend
Author: Marie Lu
Description: A world of elemination. A feeling of revenge, that are feed by wrong accusations. And hate, that is oposite by a boundless love!!! Thisis the story of Day and Jund. Seperated they are acrimionous oponents, but together they are a legend!
The big wish for revenge let June finds the lane of Day. She, trained to find and kill opponents of the government, finds a way to make him trust her. But Day, the most wanted criminal of the republic, proves himself as loyal and selfless - provoke by a incredibly big sense of justice. June starts to see the world through his eyes. Is Day really the killer of June's brother? Is it true, what all people are telling her. Day is a poor guy, which the government wanted to bring in a murderous
working place. He could run away and has to live on the streets scince
then. Nobody knows where he lives. June, in contrast, is the wonder
child of the republic, the only one that gets the whole 1500 points in
the great test. Her brother Metias, who was the only one she had after
the car accident of her parents. dies and she thinks Day's the murder.
Nearly to late June realices that she's a paw in a game of a perfidious and traitorisly plan.
My opinion: Legend is the first novel of the legend triology. The chapters are telled by June and Day by turns. I really liked this, because it makes it possible to understand both, June and Day. It also helps, to see both sides of the republic and shows the diffrences between both worlds.
The charcters are both really intersting and great! They are 3-D, lovely and sympathic. Both have a background story, so that they are interesting and not so simple, but one can understand their actions really good and it's intersting to watch their developments and their relationship.
The book isn't just a lovestory about a guy and a girl. It is a background part of the story, but the most important story line is about the republic and their bad intrigues. The book is about a government that isn't fair to the citicens and people who have to learn that the world isn't just how they see it.The dystopy takes place in a world, where the USA doesn't excist anymore, but are divided by a big flood. Now, there is the republic America and the colonies, which fight against each other in a all destroing war. You understand how the social and political sytem works, btu aren't bored by the facts. They are implied into the happenings or memories of the persons.
The whole book is really exciting and after finishing reading you can be happy that the second part has been released, because waiting to knwo what heppens next is really annoying. The spelling style is youthful, exciting and fluently. The book is fascinating and you can't stop reading.
All in all: Legend is a great book and a wonderful first part of a dytopic triology with great and incredibly lovely charcters.