Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014

The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars
John Green 
Description: At 16, Hazel Grace Lancaster, is annoyed by her cancer therapy and al that comes with it. She doesn't want other people to be sorry and hates the weekly support group she has to go to. But then in this group she meets Gus. The intelligent, gorgeous and stunning Gus, who deals offesniv with his cancer . Hazel and Gus discuss books, listen to music, watch movies and fall in love with eacht other - in spite of everything.  Gus makes Hazels biggest dream coming true- the fly to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten, the author of Hazel's  favourite book! But that's just  a small part of their adventure - a book about love, illness and hope.

My opinion: "The fault in our stars" is the story of one of the most touching couples in literatur ever.
While reading the reader has to laugh with the characters, to cry, to smile and to celebrate. Hazel and Augustus are very sympathic charcters. Their actions and reasons to act are always well understandable. It is simple to read a book, when you're really in love with the charactere. It is totally logical that they fall in love with each other - because they are intelligent and amazingly adorable.
Intelligent, poetic and humours a story is told, that is special and still simple to relate for the reader. Everbody feels with the teens and wishes their story to be a little longer.
A lot of times there are more or less visible references to classic literatur, modern movies and famous poems. Even the title: "The fault in our stars" is on the basis of Shakespeares "Julius Ceasar": „The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,/But in ourselves, that we are underlings.". 
The novel lets the reader think about life and it's fairness, about cancer and our own luck. In a lot of ways it is definitly sad, but in others it is funny and heratwarming. A realistic language, not too dramatic and a lot of sentences to think about twice.John Green doesn't beautify at all, he doesn't idealize anything, but that's the thing, making the book realistic and understandable. 

 All in all: John Green presents the reader with this novel a story to dream and to hope, that already casts a spell on millions of people all around the world. Defintly a book you should read!!

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