Mittwoch, 25. September 2013

Finding Sky

Title : Finding Sky
Author: Joss Stirling

Description: "You have half our gifts, I have the other" ...... Sky has a secret past. Having buried the truth of her traumatic childhood deep inside, she's something of a mystery, even to herself. Sstarting a new school, she catches her first glipse of Zed. He stalks the corridors, a god-like creatue among mortals. Sky is dumbfounded when he seems drawn to her, but there's more to Zed - and to Sky - than she realizes.
My opinion: A fantasy novel about love, with a handsome, wonderful guy, a look in other worlds and a crime - what do you need more? "Finding Sky" needed around ten seconds to become one of my favourite books. Main charcters you love, you even wish to be, a great story and a spelling style, that makes it possible to read fluently and fast. Sure, its kind of a typical love-story - amazing boy, girl which thinks she would never be cool or pretty enough for such a guy. But then there's the supernatural-part of the story. Also it doesn't really matter, if the structure is not completly new. The Benedict family, the detailed description of Sky's thought and feelings create a wonderful, ful of mystiums but adorable and funny atmosphere. A lot of times you smile, you laugh with them or wish you could read faster, for knowing what happens next earlier. The idea of finding a soulmate - the one person who's there for you, ever, and that fits perfectly to you -  is incredable and a wish, most people have somewhere inside of them. "Finding Sky" is a brilliant book, really unique and -thanks a lot Joss Stirling- there are second and third book too. Hopefully there coming more, because after meeting these charcters, you want to spend more time with them.
All in all: One of the greatest books I've ever read full of paranomal romance. BUY IT!!!!

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